Frequently Asked Questions

Visitor cards: how does that work?

VISITORS are allowed to get their visiting “Visa” type permits only by going through the Dept. of Health. At present, though, the State does not have the new law integrated into their rules, regulation, policies and procedures. Mid 2019, or sooner (hopefully), this system will be ready. Visitors will not go through the certifying doctors’ offices. See this link for official detail:

http://health.hawaii.gov/medicalcannabisregistry/travel/WHO CONTROLS THE PROGRAM?

The Medical Use of Marijuana (329) program in Hawaii is administered by the State of Hawaii Department of Health (DOH). The DOH maintains the Registry of Qualified Patients and issues marijuana certificates for medical use only. 

We are not state or federal government contractors or employees. We work as a medical team traveling the islands for the purpose of certifying patients for the medical use of marijuana and cannabis in the state of Hawaii.

Please take a moment to review the 329 card eligibility requirements here before contacting us for an appointment to see if you qualify.

A patient is allowed up to four (4) ounces of usable marijuana.

A patient is also allowed to grow up to 10 marijuana plants at one time. They can all be mature, or any combination of mature/immature. The definition of “mature” is not specified, but generally speaking a police officer knows the difference. The growing plants are not considered to be “usable”.

Doctor420Hawaii is NOT an authorized retailer or distributor of medical cannabis or marijuana products.

Currently, there are three state-authorized dispensaries open on the islands of Maui and Oahu:

Maui Grown Therapies – Maui

Aloha Green – Oahu

NOA Botanicals – Oahu

Certifications take a minimum of four (4) weeks to process and must be renewed every year to stay current. You will receive your 329 card in the mail about 4 – 8 weeks after the complete and accurate online application is received by the DOH.

There is no limit. We recommend that landowners execute detailed lease agreements with patients who want to grow marijuana plants on the landowner’s property.

Caregivers are still allowed and do not need to be a registered 329 patient. They are only allowed to care for one other patient besides themselves. Caregivers may live at the same residence as the patient, though the most common situation is where the caregiver lives in a different location. New legislation will prohibit caregivers as of 2023, unless the legislature makes a change before then. 

  • Legality of Cannabis Products

    329 card-holders are protected from law enforcement, discrimination, victimization by black-market forces, and other negative aspects of society.

  • Reduced Criminal Activity

    329 card-holders help to alleviate the burden upon police and other law enforcement entities. These authorities are then able to allocate their limited resources for serious public safety issues. In addition, 329 card-holders move a vast amount of cannabis out of the black market, and allow for a reduction in criminal activity overall.

  • Firearm Ownership COuld BE At Risk

    Due to conflict with Federal law, 329 card-holders cannot register a new firearm. At present, there is no action to confiscate guns previously registered and held by current 329 card-holders. This could change as gun-control legislation becomes more active.